Anyways, there is much i shall share, but tonight i'll just take it easy and show you my FAVORITE thing i purchased while at Renegade.
If you really know me, you'll understand why i am SO VERY excited about this purchase.
I've been looking for a special "Jen Ring" for a few months now, and i was holding out until i found one that completely struck my fancy. It's been a long journey finding this ring but thanks for the lovely Christine from Chocolate and Steel, i finally found it!!
I <3 snails oh so much! So much to the point that when there are snails in the present, i kind of lose track of time and need to be reminded that we errands to run and a life to live.
This ring has made me a very happy camper. It symbolizes a lot for me, and has especially made me smile every two days when i have to take another trip to the clinic. :)
Make sure you check out Christine's web shop! She really is a very talented jewelry designer!!