I've been home now for a little over a week. There are been many highs and quite a few lows, but i think I'm processing and progressing little by little.
The best part about visiting your home town, is that people will actually go out of their way to make sure they see you. Which is a FAB feeling! I am blessed to have so many lovely folks i can call my friends.
So alas, here are my guilty pleasures for this week from South Florida. (yes, they are almost all food!) I finally was able to eat because i wanted to yesterday. It's been three weeks of no hunger, so it was kind of a nice change.

Yolli and I saw "I love you, Man", which was really cute and relate able, plus Paul Rudd is a cutie. Then we had a midnight snack at Friday's while chatting about LA. (She's leaving me soon) :(
Camilo and I tried to find batting cages, failed, but ended up eating Mexican food and cupcakes.

I've been craving Dairy Queen for ages now, and Aaron was nice enough to join me for some quality ice cream goodness. Mmmm...Mint, Fudge, Brownie Sunday. Time to hop back on the treadmill!

A couple days earlier i went to South Beach with my folks and friend Amanda (we didn't take any pictures of us) :( I had read an article about a lady named Misha who makes cupcakes and sells them to this really stellar bookstore on Lincoln Road, sooo, of course i had to test drive her cupcakes.
Why do all of my hang out sessions involve food?
And finally...one of my favorite guilty pleasures of this trip, which actually involve no food at all? Shh, ya ready?? A really wonderful midnight treadmill session while watching
"Life with Derek". A show on Disney channel with a cute cast, and fun enough story lines that can keep me entertained for two miles.
I tired to find a good picture for the show, but couldn't find anything worthy of posting.
Alas, that is how my trip is going this week. I still have another week left, so who knows what other exciting foods..i mean adventuers i shall go on.
Hope your all having a stellar week!!
Afterthought: I just realized all of my friends in that picture have dimples. Random. :)