Is this not the cutest necklace.
Artist or not, you have to appreciate this clever packaging!

* My hair dresser is SO great!
* 50% a Heather's new book @ B&N.
* Yoga was so brilliant tonight.
* Talking with my room mate Mary.
* FINALLY bought a new bible. [33% off]
* My friend Michael’s e-mail.
* Had a WONDERFUL chat with Margaret!
* Free Chick-fila chicken sandwich!
* Free sundae at TCBY for my birthday.
but really....i'm MOST thankful because...
* I feel strong today.
Although, it wasn't the plan as i was creating my errand list for today, by golly! I DID get my ME day! It was so needed, and wonderful, and i internet-ed about it the whole day. I feel very hopeful tonight, unlike how i've felt in the last couple weeks. I'm so very thankful.
I hope you get to take a "YOU" day VERY soon!!
Smiles to you my lovely friends,
Jenipher :]
I just wrote to my [potentially] new printer who [hopefully] is going to print all my prints! I am FINALLY feeling thankful and worthy of receiving this grant.
What a glorious feeling it is indeed.
And a real one.
I don't think i've enjoyed that many REAL, true, happy feelings enough in the last...many years, but very much so in the last 6 months or so. So many changes are happening, rapidly, i can barely keep up. In many cases, this is wonderful, but sometimes i feel as though i might get left behind. -- how i can get behind in my own changes? I have no idea. Fears are strange creatures indeed.
I wish you all a glorious evening, and am hoping each one of you is doing uniquely well!
Smiles to you,
In essence...ME.
I am a HARDCORE perfectionist, which has hindered my life for over 20 years. In fact..the reason i haven't even written in this blog in SO long, along with not cooking, disliking my own business i spend hours creating, and hindering other areas of my life, relationships and physical body, are due to an unhealthy addiction of perfectionism.
It seems like a logical thing for many folk to just say "it doesn't have to be perfect" "it's great the way it is" "just DO it!" or "good enough". But...my brain has never understood this way of thinking.
Instead... I reject myself, countless times, regardless of how much support I'm given, because nothing. was EVER enough.
Perfect enough.
Pretty enough.
Thin enough.