I leave you with a really cute picture of my kitty (and Valentines Day flowers from Riley). Sigh.. i'm still visiting my mom and miss my baby. :)
Friday, February 27, 2009
[no title]
I realized that i'm photo deprived. I used to take so many photographs. I used to love to photograph life, every piece of it. But i've been stuck in this weird place where i don't take my camera out as often, i don't take adventues like i used to. It's quite sad. I need to start living properly again. Camera and all!!

I leave you with a really cute picture of my kitty (and Valentines Day flowers from Riley). Sigh.. i'm still visiting my mom and miss my baby. :)
I leave you with a really cute picture of my kitty (and Valentines Day flowers from Riley). Sigh.. i'm still visiting my mom and miss my baby. :)
Monday, February 23, 2009
Art Guild + scary sewing machines = Happy Saturday.
Last Saturday, some friends and I finally got together to start an Art Guild.
The five of us spent hours eating way to many breakfast foods, laughing, and doing crafts. It was just wonderful, and i can't wait for next months meeting!!

PLUS, i finally got to do some of my project from Elsie and Rachel's class. (Which i'm failling HORRIBLE behind in!) (Still am!!) (and keep missing the chats...blah!) but i tried my hand at the sewing machine and realize i'm horrid at it! Alas, here is the start of my first journal!

I guess sewing machines are like horses. Once you obviously fall off and use two spools of thread doing so, climb right back on. And i shall...
The five of us spent hours eating way to many breakfast foods, laughing, and doing crafts. It was just wonderful, and i can't wait for next months meeting!!
PLUS, i finally got to do some of my project from Elsie and Rachel's class. (Which i'm failling HORRIBLE behind in!) (Still am!!) (and keep missing the chats...blah!) but i tried my hand at the sewing machine and realize i'm horrid at it! Alas, here is the start of my first journal!
I guess sewing machines are like horses. Once you obviously fall off and use two spools of thread doing so, climb right back on. And i shall...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I heart breakfast.
Sickly Apologies.
I have not felt that well the past couple days, so ive been lacking of blogs (and Etsy'n sadly). I feel better today, and actually have a TON of plans!! Way more then any usual Jen has plans. I have plans ALLLL DAY.
* I have a online chat with my class mates and teachers which is very exciting. (starts at 10am)
* I am meeting friends to start an "Art Guild" (which also, starts at 10am)
* I have a friend's suprize BBQ at 6pm.
Whew!! Long wonderfully fun day! I hope yours is equally as great!
JENipher :)
* I have a online chat with my class mates and teachers which is very exciting. (starts at 10am)
* I am meeting friends to start an "Art Guild" (which also, starts at 10am)
* I have a friend's suprize BBQ at 6pm.
Whew!! Long wonderfully fun day! I hope yours is equally as great!
JENipher :)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The only time it's okay to be Bossy!
I glaceed upon an adorable little felt piggy from Bossy Felt Works around the Holiday time and have finally wrote to the ladies to tell them how much i love their crafts! Bossy's is a three lady cooperative who's crafting lives make me envious. It seems that not only are all of these women incredible talented, but have such a wonderful friendship, and a great supportive family. It's a crafters dream come true!

"On a good day at Bossy's, you'll find Amy, Kari and Mandy all gathered around the kitchen table, accompanied by piles of wool and cups of tea. Their four girls are playing upstairs, or maybe out in the play yard with the two puppies, while the two elder dogs snore under the table."
How long have you been crafting?
There's three of us in Bossy's Feltworks. Mandy and I have been crafting for as long as we can remember, and were both looking for a home based craft business. Amy has been crafting since we tried out making felt balls three years ago.
Did you always craft in this genre?
Amy is a specialist, having come into crafting via needle felting. Mandy and I have tried most craft genres between us. We both went to art school, but stayed more on the crafty side of things. I would say that we three are basically fearless in the face of craft materials. Between us we can figure out how to make what we're thinking of, whether it's for the business, for our girls, or gifts for family.

Who or what inspires you?
First off, we inspire each other. We have bounced thousands of ideas off of each other in the last three years. We work together on Tuesdays and try to surprise each other regularly with a new product. Etsy inspires us immensely. We love seeing what other crafters are creating and reading about sellers in the Storque. Our girls (we have five girls between us) inspire us with their handmade requests. We must also say that a good cup of tea and some chocolate have done as much for our business as anything else!
What challenges have you found while taking your craft into the business world?
We came up with our craft specifically to start a business. Instead of morphing a hobby into a business, we were looking specifically to use wool from Amy's farm to make a product that could be sold at the local farmer's market and on the Internet. With three of us, we were able to not only divide the tasks of starting a business, but also to thoroughly discuss our decisions.
Our greatest challenge is time. We are mothers of small children, and many things in our lives come before crafting.
Other info
We started Bossy's Feltworks in March 2006. We are just about to have our third season as weekly vendors at the Orcas Island Farmer's Market. We joined Etsy in December 2007.
So head over to Bossy's, and check out their gorgeous felt pieces! Say Hello to Kari on Etsy, she's a doll!
"On a good day at Bossy's, you'll find Amy, Kari and Mandy all gathered around the kitchen table, accompanied by piles of wool and cups of tea. Their four girls are playing upstairs, or maybe out in the play yard with the two puppies, while the two elder dogs snore under the table."
How long have you been crafting?
There's three of us in Bossy's Feltworks. Mandy and I have been crafting for as long as we can remember, and were both looking for a home based craft business. Amy has been crafting since we tried out making felt balls three years ago.
Did you always craft in this genre?
Amy is a specialist, having come into crafting via needle felting. Mandy and I have tried most craft genres between us. We both went to art school, but stayed more on the crafty side of things. I would say that we three are basically fearless in the face of craft materials. Between us we can figure out how to make what we're thinking of, whether it's for the business, for our girls, or gifts for family.
Who or what inspires you?
First off, we inspire each other. We have bounced thousands of ideas off of each other in the last three years. We work together on Tuesdays and try to surprise each other regularly with a new product. Etsy inspires us immensely. We love seeing what other crafters are creating and reading about sellers in the Storque. Our girls (we have five girls between us) inspire us with their handmade requests. We must also say that a good cup of tea and some chocolate have done as much for our business as anything else!
What challenges have you found while taking your craft into the business world?
We came up with our craft specifically to start a business. Instead of morphing a hobby into a business, we were looking specifically to use wool from Amy's farm to make a product that could be sold at the local farmer's market and on the Internet. With three of us, we were able to not only divide the tasks of starting a business, but also to thoroughly discuss our decisions.
Our greatest challenge is time. We are mothers of small children, and many things in our lives come before crafting.
Other info
We started Bossy's Feltworks in March 2006. We are just about to have our third season as weekly vendors at the Orcas Island Farmer's Market. We joined Etsy in December 2007.
So head over to Bossy's, and check out their gorgeous felt pieces! Say Hello to Kari on Etsy, she's a doll!
Ohh, that's pretty.
Jen: Ohh that's pretty. (Courtney's locket)
Courtney: Thanks! Matthew gave it to me for Christmas. It had a picture of him in it but it fell out.
Jen: Oh, well.. that's not a good sign.
Courtney: Well, the picture fell down my shirt.
Courtney: Thanks! Matthew gave it to me for Christmas. It had a picture of him in it but it fell out.
Jen: Oh, well.. that's not a good sign.
Courtney: Well, the picture fell down my shirt.
YAY!! SAVE 25%!!!
Okay, i'm going to bobard you with this flyer for a whole month + some. I really really could use the help getting the word out. So, if you, or anyone you know are looking for gifts for you, them, their friends, family, whoever, please let them know about the sale!
It would be GREATLY appreacited! :)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Don't just be Thankful. Photograph it!
I was reading some very fabulous interviews from a book about journals while at Borders the other night and a lovely gal named Christine wrote about what she was thankful for every week. I found it amazing she found a creative outlet to share that. Riley and I make sure to ask "what were you thankful for today" to each other every day, so now i wanted to share some of the things i was thankful for this week.
If you don't know me personally, then you wouldn't know that food is really the way to my heart. Thus, this weeks images of what i was thankful for. (Obviously there are many other things i was thankful for, but these are the only images i have to show. :)

Riley and I went on a picnic the other day. It was a gorgeous day out. We napped, played cards, read to each other, and most importantly ;) ate these amazing sandwiches he made me. He calls them his Saturday morning sandwich's and i really fancy them.

Frozen Pizza. Comfort food and horrid weakness. I had a lot of meetings this day so i splurged on this delicious pizza since i knew i couldn't pick around in the kitchen all day like i can when I'm at home working. I've been eating these pizzas since i was kid and they always hit the spot.

We try to eat very healthy most of the time, and we also try to budget everything quite tightly, so when i got a coupon for a free drink at Borders, i knew it was time to "splurge" (on the calories anyways). This drink is really bad for you but ohhh soooo goood!! I really am quite impressed with how delicious all of Borders drinks are. Kudos to them!
Other then that I'm thankful for...
* time to work on Cherry Runway
* hanging out with/talking to friends again
* Riley's constant support
* our engagement party tomorrow!!
* seeing his family tonight and mine tomorrow
* bananas (see note below)
(this seems silly i know, but we aren't spending any money right now and we saved our last banana for the Saturday sandwiches. The best way to really appreciate a fruit is by not being able to eat them for a while)
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! See you on the flip side. :)
If you don't know me personally, then you wouldn't know that food is really the way to my heart. Thus, this weeks images of what i was thankful for. (Obviously there are many other things i was thankful for, but these are the only images i have to show. :)
Riley and I went on a picnic the other day. It was a gorgeous day out. We napped, played cards, read to each other, and most importantly ;) ate these amazing sandwiches he made me. He calls them his Saturday morning sandwich's and i really fancy them.
Frozen Pizza. Comfort food and horrid weakness. I had a lot of meetings this day so i splurged on this delicious pizza since i knew i couldn't pick around in the kitchen all day like i can when I'm at home working. I've been eating these pizzas since i was kid and they always hit the spot.
We try to eat very healthy most of the time, and we also try to budget everything quite tightly, so when i got a coupon for a free drink at Borders, i knew it was time to "splurge" (on the calories anyways). This drink is really bad for you but ohhh soooo goood!! I really am quite impressed with how delicious all of Borders drinks are. Kudos to them!
Other then that I'm thankful for...
* time to work on Cherry Runway
* hanging out with/talking to friends again
* Riley's constant support
* our engagement party tomorrow!!
* seeing his family tonight and mine tomorrow
* bananas (see note below)
(this seems silly i know, but we aren't spending any money right now and we saved our last banana for the Saturday sandwiches. The best way to really appreciate a fruit is by not being able to eat them for a while)
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! See you on the flip side. :)
Have you met your dream home yet?
Melissa from "Little Pink House" creates the home of our dresms with needle and thread. She's extreamly talented, and has created so many lovely homes. Your dream home can be reproduced from a photograph, or from your dreams.

How long have you been crafting?
I have always loved to make things--I have been an avid drawer my whole life, and I'm the kind of person who hates to buy anything I can make myself. (I haven't purchased a greeting card in probably a decade!) When I become interested in anything--any new skill, whether it's craft related or not--I kind of attack it until I get it right.
Did you always craft in this genre?
No--sewing is pretty new for me. I started with hand sewing about eighteen months ago. You ought to see some of the ridiculous softies I made--a particularly wonky, thrifted-pillowcase duck with ragged seams was my first effort. I took up a kind of free-style embroidery loosely based on crewel techniques about six months ago, and since then I've been mainly working with wool felt, cotton fabric, and embroidery floss.
Who or what inspires you?
My nine year old daughter is, as far as I'm concerned, one of the most creative and talented artists I've ever known. I wish I had her imagination and natural skill. I also find endless inspiration on etsy--so many incredibly talented artists. I am particularly fond, right now, of the work of Ashley G., michelemaule, Roadside, woolandwater, and my in-the-flesh friend Jennifer Judd-McGee of Swallowfield. Obviously, houses also inspire me!
What challenges have you found while taking your craft into the business world?
Honestly, I find the sales model offered at etsy to be pretty darn simple. I have had no illusions about getting rich from this work--for one thing, it takes too long to produce, so I'd never have the volume needed to make a lot of money. I'm amazed by the opportunity to make and share things and constantly surprised by the fact that people want to buy them. It's delightful. I'm sure that if I decide to expand my business, I'll encounter new challenges. For now, I'm having a blast.
Please make sure to check our Melissa's blog and etsy. And be sure to see this inspiring post about her work "behind the scenes"!!
Blog: http://checkoutgirlcrafts.blogspot.com/
Etsy: wwww.littlepinkhouse.etsy.com
How long have you been crafting?
I have always loved to make things--I have been an avid drawer my whole life, and I'm the kind of person who hates to buy anything I can make myself. (I haven't purchased a greeting card in probably a decade!) When I become interested in anything--any new skill, whether it's craft related or not--I kind of attack it until I get it right.
Did you always craft in this genre?
No--sewing is pretty new for me. I started with hand sewing about eighteen months ago. You ought to see some of the ridiculous softies I made--a particularly wonky, thrifted-pillowcase duck with ragged seams was my first effort. I took up a kind of free-style embroidery loosely based on crewel techniques about six months ago, and since then I've been mainly working with wool felt, cotton fabric, and embroidery floss.
Who or what inspires you?
My nine year old daughter is, as far as I'm concerned, one of the most creative and talented artists I've ever known. I wish I had her imagination and natural skill. I also find endless inspiration on etsy--so many incredibly talented artists. I am particularly fond, right now, of the work of Ashley G., michelemaule, Roadside, woolandwater, and my in-the-flesh friend Jennifer Judd-McGee of Swallowfield. Obviously, houses also inspire me!
What challenges have you found while taking your craft into the business world?
Honestly, I find the sales model offered at etsy to be pretty darn simple. I have had no illusions about getting rich from this work--for one thing, it takes too long to produce, so I'd never have the volume needed to make a lot of money. I'm amazed by the opportunity to make and share things and constantly surprised by the fact that people want to buy them. It's delightful. I'm sure that if I decide to expand my business, I'll encounter new challenges. For now, I'm having a blast.
Please make sure to check our Melissa's blog and etsy. And be sure to see this inspiring post about her work "behind the scenes"!!
Blog: http://checkoutgirlcrafts.blogspot.com/
Etsy: wwww.littlepinkhouse.etsy.com
Thursday, February 12, 2009
No...Thank You!!
My mom is throwing Riley and I an engagement party this Saturday. (Ahem...lets say that day again, February 14th! How cheesy?! ha!)

Regardless, it shall be a happy event. Our families are meeting for the first time, which is exciting. And, we're going to be surrounded by dozens and dozens of family and friends, amazing food, and lots of love.
Since everyone is asking what to get us, we knew we needed to have extra special Thank You notes.
I think they came out more then wonderful, and they reflect us to a T. ;)
Regardless, it shall be a happy event. Our families are meeting for the first time, which is exciting. And, we're going to be surrounded by dozens and dozens of family and friends, amazing food, and lots of love.
Since everyone is asking what to get us, we knew we needed to have extra special Thank You notes.
I think they came out more then wonderful, and they reflect us to a T. ;)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
These are a few of my favorite things...
a) Saving lives during the day, and creating during the evenings, EMT Sweeetie makes intricate, yet delicate greeting cards.
b)Sadly, there aren't many items on the "Lucky Little Dot" page. But what does have are really cute. I can't wait to see the rest of her collection!
c) I can't say much about the amazing work of Sarah Jane that most of you wouldn't already know. Just when you think she's make the sweetest little print you've ever scene, a few days later, there's another on her site that takes your breath away.
d) Lindsay from "dot dot dot"makes really cute cards, wall hangings and wreaths. I was captivated by her sweet style last year, and have been intrigued since.
e) Holly from "Gollybard" makes really unique prints. Make sure to also check out her other shop too called "The Beehive Press".
f) I am a sucker for color. And these awesomely colorful bags and wallets from Lusitania were lovely for the eyes.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Food Inspiring Goodness.
I have never found it SO incredibly hard to just pick a few images to post on my blog, but i have to tell you. It took me a very long time just to decide on a theme. My favorite beyond favorites. Fruits and vegetables! Featuring my all time favorite. The cherry.
Lara Ferroni is a breath taking food, lifestyle and travel photographer.

"I didn’t really mean to become a photographer. But with the first photo that I took of a batch of homemade raspberry scones, I knew I was a goner. My family quickly learned to ask first before digging in with their forks as I became completely snap-happy around any kind of food. Family vacations were hijacked to make special trips to particularly photogenic markets or restaurants."
Lara seems like she's humble, has a wonderfully supportive family, and embraces all the gifts she's been given. She is a complete and total inspiration! For a food photography nut like me (who ended up not being good enough in the studio) her life seems like a dream come true. Indulge yourself in her amazing, well thought out portfolio, and make sure you look at her Flickr account as well.
Lara Ferroni is a breath taking food, lifestyle and travel photographer.
"I didn’t really mean to become a photographer. But with the first photo that I took of a batch of homemade raspberry scones, I knew I was a goner. My family quickly learned to ask first before digging in with their forks as I became completely snap-happy around any kind of food. Family vacations were hijacked to make special trips to particularly photogenic markets or restaurants."
Lara seems like she's humble, has a wonderfully supportive family, and embraces all the gifts she's been given. She is a complete and total inspiration! For a food photography nut like me (who ended up not being good enough in the studio) her life seems like a dream come true. Indulge yourself in her amazing, well thought out portfolio, and make sure you look at her Flickr account as well.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Facebook Pages!
Yay! I have finally created a Facebook page for Cherry Runway.
Not that i really know what to do with it now that it's posted, but still! It seems like it would be exciting. :)
Not that i really know what to do with it now that it's posted, but still! It seems like it would be exciting. :)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Baily Doenst Bark
While looking for Valentine's Day inspired items, I have recently (along with MANY others) stumbled upon "Baily Doesn't Bark". Re Jin is an truly inspiring, taking something as simple as home wares and creating amazing imagery. The most inspiring thing of all is a statement from her website.
"Re Jin began her career as a fashion designer and stylist. Though she loved working in the fashion industry, she eventually longed to return to her artistic roots of drawing and painting."
Artists who end up in a wonderful field, loving their job and life, and still manage to feel the pull to being them back to their original calling, is what i strive for everyday.
Make sure to look at her other pieces such as her "Ants on my Plate" setting.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Tea Party Blessings
It has been a very stressful week to be honest.
On Wednesday my friend Cynthia invited me over for a tea party. And what a tea party it was! It was such a blessing. So inspiring too! It helped me get into taking pictures again, which is something I've really missed! Alas, here are a few images to inspire you.
She went out and decorated her table so nicely, made her "famous" pasta salad and bought some really yummy rainbow colored cookies. It was a lovely tea party. We had these beautiful triangle shaped teas, which I'm trying to look up online and can't figure out the brand.
Thank you Cynthia! I'm quite excited for our Monday meeting. :)
I hope your all having a wonderful blessing filled week! In case you need your tea fill, here are some lovely items to strike your fancy.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
New Creations!!
It's time folks...it's finally time to post more goodies i have created.
Took long enough eh?
Crystal Woodland Collection

Deep within the woodlands are tiny treasures. Treasures that glisten in the sun like crystals...
Oh wait. They are crystals. Swarovski crystals to be exact.
I quite enjoy this set. I have had it for a while, and just had trouble making the photograph as desirable as it is in person.
These earrings (and necklace set) are Bohemian chic! Two sky colored metal rings present a Copper leaf charm. An allure of opaque Siam Swarovski crystals hang pridefully free on Copper accents. Copper lever back ear wires help keep these earrings secure.
Sandy Beach Dangle

It's warm and balmy. Your walking through the silky sands barefoot, enjoying a cool breeze. You have a cool drink in your hand, and you are loving the nice soothing atmosphere.
While you may not be able to physically be at the beach whenever your heart desires, this necklace will help take you to your favorite beach, mentally.
Sandy Rose freshwater pearls showcase a clear resin pendant laced with sky blue accents. Aqua Wonder Beads, Aquamarine chips, and glass dangle swim a top. This necklace is just a smidgen under 16 inches, and has my signature heart toggle and cherry dangle.
I'm quite happy how these pieces came out, photograpicly...finally! I've had many days of trouble with these two gals. :)
Took long enough eh?
Crystal Woodland Collection
Deep within the woodlands are tiny treasures. Treasures that glisten in the sun like crystals...
Oh wait. They are crystals. Swarovski crystals to be exact.
I quite enjoy this set. I have had it for a while, and just had trouble making the photograph as desirable as it is in person.
These earrings (and necklace set) are Bohemian chic! Two sky colored metal rings present a Copper leaf charm. An allure of opaque Siam Swarovski crystals hang pridefully free on Copper accents. Copper lever back ear wires help keep these earrings secure.
Sandy Beach Dangle
It's warm and balmy. Your walking through the silky sands barefoot, enjoying a cool breeze. You have a cool drink in your hand, and you are loving the nice soothing atmosphere.
While you may not be able to physically be at the beach whenever your heart desires, this necklace will help take you to your favorite beach, mentally.
Sandy Rose freshwater pearls showcase a clear resin pendant laced with sky blue accents. Aqua Wonder Beads, Aquamarine chips, and glass dangle swim a top. This necklace is just a smidgen under 16 inches, and has my signature heart toggle and cherry dangle.
I'm quite happy how these pieces came out, photograpicly...finally! I've had many days of trouble with these two gals. :)
buy jewelry,
Charm necklace,
Calorie Free Love
Give your lady love a memorable gift, without all the fat and calories!

A delicious cookie for of a gal of any age!
A "handmade with love" cookie pendant is showcased by a 17 inch Copper chain. Three small freshwater pearls dangle on the right chain of the necklace. My signature heart toggle and cherry dangle complete this lovely piece.

Wear this fabulous necklace on any day you feel loved!
PS: You have so many pendant choices!!
A delicious cookie for of a gal of any age!
A "handmade with love" cookie pendant is showcased by a 17 inch Copper chain. Three small freshwater pearls dangle on the right chain of the necklace. My signature heart toggle and cherry dangle complete this lovely piece.
Wear this fabulous necklace on any day you feel loved!
PS: You have so many pendant choices!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
From Joon To You..
As i mentioned yesterday Joon from Flying Housewife posted a treasury including my "Mission Possible" necklace. I've been reading her blog and checking out her Etsy ever since. Joon is a house wife that creates handwritten letters. Her theroy is that everyone enjoys getting letters. And, i'm sure she's right. :)

Below, Joon explains it must better then I could.
"I have this dream of taking a leisurely trip around our country. Along the way I will meet and chat with people. On a park bench. In the local hardware store. Perhaps in line at the post office or standing at a street corner waiting for a green light. People from all walks of life with life experiences to share. That would be heavenly. And I'd write a book and share the stories with the world. But, I cannot do that right now. Maybe not ever. So, I am starting here. Making connections, shortening the distance with words on paper. And on a smaller scale.
This listing is for one handwritten letter, from the heart, from me to you*. Each letter is individual and I could never describe it ahead of time, however, here are some general guidelines:
I will hand write the letter in ink and include one fine art postcard from my collection along with a clipping, small handmade paper art or similar fine art related enclosure. {It's a surprise.}"

She sounds really intriging doesn't she? So, head over the Joon's etsy page, enjoy her fun sense of humor, and read about her themed letters.
Below, Joon explains it must better then I could.
"I have this dream of taking a leisurely trip around our country. Along the way I will meet and chat with people. On a park bench. In the local hardware store. Perhaps in line at the post office or standing at a street corner waiting for a green light. People from all walks of life with life experiences to share. That would be heavenly. And I'd write a book and share the stories with the world. But, I cannot do that right now. Maybe not ever. So, I am starting here. Making connections, shortening the distance with words on paper. And on a smaller scale.
This listing is for one handwritten letter, from the heart, from me to you*. Each letter is individual and I could never describe it ahead of time, however, here are some general guidelines:
I will hand write the letter in ink and include one fine art postcard from my collection along with a clipping, small handmade paper art or similar fine art related enclosure. {It's a surprise.}"
She sounds really intriging doesn't she? So, head over the Joon's etsy page, enjoy her fun sense of humor, and read about her themed letters.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Elsie's shop "Red Velvet Art" opens tonight at 9pm!! If your live in Springfield, please go visit and take pictures for me!! It should be AMAZING!
Head over to Elsie's blog for more information!
Head over to Elsie's blog for more information!
I was in a Treasury!
"Mission Possible/" title="RocketScience-1 by Jenipher's Life, on Flickr">
Yay! Lovely Joon, (whom i will write more about later) created a Treasury on Etsy for Spacey Items and she and her husband picked my "Mission Possible" astronaut necklace!
Thank you so much Joon, i really appreciate it!
Yay! Lovely Joon, (whom i will write more about later) created a Treasury on Etsy for Spacey Items and she and her husband picked my "Mission Possible" astronaut necklace!
Thank you so much Joon, i really appreciate it!
nice people,
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