Sunday, March 25, 2012

Moody Monday: NEVER GIVE UP! by JooJoo

Hello friends, how was your weekend? Well i hope! This past week was pretty nuts, lots of roller coasters, but LUCKILY this print was EXACTLY what I needed to read. :D  I hope your start of the week is going SPLENDIDLY!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Subway Doodles

I've been trying to draw on the subway whenever i can, which has been QUITE a feat with the crazy jiggily trains. This is the one i drew two nights ago.... i decided to have a challenge, but i failed. :D

Thursday, March 22, 2012

cupcake anatomy

This made me JUST so happy today i couldn't NOT post it. :) 

I hope you're all having a swell Thursday.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

wedding seasons = wedding greetings

It's the season of weddings! It's weird being 'that age' where all your friends are starting to seriously couple off and settle down.

Thus! With weddings on the brain [ALWAYS], I just finished making these cute little wedding greeting cards. and..I {{l o v e }} them!

I tried to make sure i had hair combos for every couple time i know of right now, but surely i've missed a few options. If you'd like one with different colored hair, just let me know! :D 

Happy Thursday friends!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Welcome to NY!

Sorry i haven't been around in a month. 

I never {realized} how  I N S A N E  moving to another state could be.  Silly me...i really thought i had things together and ready, but no way Jose! 

But now i am, in NYC, trying my hardest to adjust to a [very] different life now. It's been really hard, i'm not going to lie, but i'm thankful for my choice. 

Thankful for the boy above, for the delicious food i've eaten, and thankful I'm in a state of SO much RANDOM! We went to a "Adventures of Pete and Pete" reunion and it was FAN-tastic

BUT, in my time away from my blog, i've been evaluating how i write it, how often i write, and what my content should really consist of. I promise LOTS of really cool new blogs soon.

Maybe even tomorrow. ;) 
Have a FUN Friday Foodie Friends!
much love,