Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bloggin' at the Airport!

How super awesome is that? I have INTERNET CONNECTION at the AIRPORT! Smiles all around.

So right now, i am waiting my flight for California for five days of fun, friends, and RENEGADE! I am more then stoked for all of it. I have been prepping jewelry like a fiend, and it was really scary overnighting everything off to LA a few days ago. It's so strange to send off your whole business in two very large boxes. It's like mailing away a part of you.

Here are some of the new goodies i've been whipping up!!

Electic Evergreen
Electic Evergreen
^^ My new favorites!!

Big Red
Big Red

i <3 snacks
i  <3 snacks

The only good part of that is that i am what some would call "a work-a-holic" so not having my tools and such put me in a place where i wasn't able to make jewelry and chill out a tad for a few days.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend! Do something exciting! Inspire others! Inspire yourself! :)

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