Eight Things!!
I'm a little behind, but I was tagged by
Margot daysss ago, so here i go!
Eight Things I Am Looking Forward To:1) My trip to California and the Renegade Craft Fair!
2) 80's Party on Wednesday Night!
3) FREE Kung Fu classes at my church!! Yay!
4) My online class with Rachel, and all my favorite RVA class friends!
5) [More] experimenting with shrinky dinks.
6) Another KRAFT night with my gal friends.
7) Hopefully going home to visit the family soon.
8) Crossing Fingers, a show, a show!
Eight Things I Did Yesterday1) Slept later then 6am!
2) Worked at the cafe.
3) Had a FREE
Jeremiah's because the Magic won!
4) Read inspiration magazines at Borders.
5) Had an AMAZING time at church.
6) Gave money to a missionary-friend. (She's going to India!)
7) Had a REALLY great conversation with my grandma.
8) Found out there are free kung fu classes!!
Eight Things I Wish I Could Do1) USE MY SEWING MACHINE (I stole this from Margot)
2) Market Cherry Runway more efficiently.
3) Draw, or even doodle!!
4) Own my own boutique filled with handmade crafts!
5) Sell other artists work on my website!
6) Actually SLEEP.
7) Life a stressFREE life.
8) Make my curly hair look good all the time!
Eight Shows I Watch1) I wish i could answer this, but i don't watch tv.
2) Any book by Sarah Dessen
3) or Ned Vizzini
4) or Megan McCafferty
5) or Danny Wallace
Eight Bloggers I am Tagging:1) Lisa - http://madame-cupcake.blogspot.com/
2) Dan - http://betanarrative.blogspot.com/
3) Michele - http://how2drawacupofcoffee.blogspot.com
4) Rachel - http://blingonmysewingmachine.blogspot.com
5) Lauren - http://www.halfdesertedstreets.com
6) Stella - http://laundryshop.blogspot.com
7) Nikki - http://nikkigoodrichwrites.blogspot.com
8) Julianna - http://julieannart.blogspot.com