Friday, July 22, 2011

[Foodie Friday] charlie style!

It's Friday! Lets. Make. Brownies!!!

Today i present you with Charlie, a UK YouTuber who posts comical videos.

"After setting up a YouTube channel in April 2007, Charlie started posting Video-Blogs to a small audience, but found YouTube success after a month when one of his videos “How to get featured on YouTube” was, coincidentally, featured on the front of the UK YouTube homepage. His audience jumped from just under 150 subscribers to over 4,400 in a mere two days. Since then, after three years, his audience is still increasing by the thousands each day – all starting because he wanted to find a way to procrastinate from exam revision."

In this video, he shows us how to make chocolate brownies 
[from scratch!!].
 between the english accent
 his bright red hair
and his giggle
I'm hooked on these super cute, humorous YouTube videos.

Too bad i'm not a 20 y/o English girl.

Hope you are having a lovely Foodie Friday!
Jenipher :)

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