Sunday, October 2, 2011

Interesting...... na-doodle friend Tara sent this to me this morning and oddly enough, it's pretty accurate which COMPLETELY surprises me. 

I know it's kind of long, so i don't blame you if you didn't want to read it all. Ha. But i wanted to share anyways!

You love a good time. You are generally happy, friendly, and outgoing. You have a gift for gab. You are very witty, creative, and playful. You inspire and entertain people. You are considered by many a great companion.

You have a gift for self expression and are drawn to the verbal arts -- writing, acting, singing, and poetry. You may have a great talent in one of these areas. If your creativity is blocked or suppressed, you tend to daydream and fantasize. Your imagination needs a constructive outlet; otherwise, it may run away with you.

If you fail to deal honestly with your inner nature, you may succumb to compulsive talking. Such behavior may be merely a way of siphoning off emotional energy that is building beneath your surface. Your deeply felt emotional life cannot be avoided or suppressed. But you possess the talent to channel these feelings into highly creative and artistic form. Art and self-expression are your outlets.

You need discipline to make full use of your abilities. Too often, you may scatter your energies in many directions, beginning projects that are never finished and never really succeeding in anything.

You success depends on your ability to commit to your work and to see it through to completion. You have so much creativity and inspiring upward energy that you are in desperate need of an anchor. Hard work and discipline serve this purpose and bring out the best in you.

Because you are gifted with such a sparkling personality, you are tempted to stay on the surface and play with life.

You have the potential to live a very full and successful life thanks to your talent for artistic self expression. The key to your success is a balance between the creative forces and self-disclose."

Happy SUNday lovely folks!

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