Showing posts with label daily pretties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daily pretties. Show all posts

Monday, August 22, 2011

Have you met my family?

HERE they are!
I especially like my brothers tattoos and my dad's beard. 

Can i meet YOUR family some time? 
Jenipher :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Love: with all you gots.

This statement is something i keep trying to emulate but find it very hard [many] times. 
Perhaps you have an easier time. :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

It. Will. Get. Better.

I've been struggling a whole lot anxiety has been at an all time high, and i'm at the point where I'm hibernating, and not wanting to see people or leave my house, but get extreme loneliness every other hour or so.... it sounds like a contradiction doesn't it? 
Seeing as i am a very logical person, i wish i could see it as that and just dismiss whatever issue seems to be the problem. So, instead of freaking out over and over [oh wait no...i DO do that..] i decided to doodle the three statements i need to hear the most right now.

These are VERY important statements i think everyone should and needs to hear daily. So if you're not getting your daily dose of support or optimism, know that I'm out there, wishing these things for you!!!
I hope you're having a beautiful day you talented people you!    

Monday, May 30, 2011

heart Instagram.

Have you tried Instagram yet?
It's one of most fun photo apps i've ever owned and played with.
I've connected with some really creative folks on there too.

AND the filters on there are SUPER swell!!
They make my nightly doodles even AWESOME-er.

Have a creative day!
Jenipher :)

Friday, May 27, 2011


Today while playing with my doodle i felt like copying my flowers over and over. It's cute. I'm still going to work on it...but i don't hate it. :) :)

It doesn't hurt that this is one of my FAVORITE sentiments.
Every. Bit. Counts.

I hope you are having a splendid Friday!
Jenipher :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I want all of you to Listen To Me.
You are beautiful.
Loved so dearly.
And are making a difference in this world.

Now repeat this to yourself.
Every time you forget.

Mucho love to you my dear friends.
Jenipher :]

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Love and Hate.

Today's been a hard day.
I know i said that in my last post.

So my daily colored doodle is a little on the sadder side.
But honest none-the-less.

I'm wondering who else could understand this statement. I know i can't be alone in the boat, yet i wish i was. It would be silly to think i was though. I truly wish we ALL understood what beautiful, talented people we were.

I'm learning it more every day.
And i hope you are too.

Much Love,
Jenipher :]

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rest. Have some.

Today while thinking about the 'end of the world', i begin thinking about what i may regret if i did die suddenly.

Happy i know...
But i realize that even though I'm getting help with my anxiety; i still worry so much i feel hindered by it. I still worry all the time that I'm a burden, i constantly worry about what i consume. And that's just some of the daily burdens along with the regular ol' grown up stuff. I realize it's illogical to have such worries all the time, but like the saying says 'so much easier said then done'.

Which is why i think today's 'daily colored doodle' is so appropriate.

I never really thought the world was going to end today, but i am very thankful i got to spend another day alive and well.

I hope you're day was fulfilling.
Do something that makes you come a l i v e!!

smiles to you dear friends,
Jenipher :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Daily Pretty.

Today's daily [colored] doodle is one of my new favorites!!! I really like it. Loads. :)

I have you have a COLORFUL day!
much love,
Jenipher :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Nightly Doodles!!

i LOVE how cute these came out! I just added these lovelies to Cherry Runway. All these beauties [and a bunch more] are ONLY $5.00. Whoo hoo! :)