Showing posts with label encouragment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label encouragment. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

the REAL me.

When i heard this song from Natalie Grant, it was like i was listening to a song i have composed in my head hundreds of times if i didn't have writers block.  

It hits so very close to home.
Once i found out it had to do with her struggle with an eating disorder it felt like it was my home. 

Eating disorder or NOT, if you struggle with self esteem issues, then you will resonate with this song.

cheer up buttercup!
Jenipher :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

It. Will. Get. Better.

I've been struggling a whole lot anxiety has been at an all time high, and i'm at the point where I'm hibernating, and not wanting to see people or leave my house, but get extreme loneliness every other hour or so.... it sounds like a contradiction doesn't it? 
Seeing as i am a very logical person, i wish i could see it as that and just dismiss whatever issue seems to be the problem. So, instead of freaking out over and over [oh wait no...i DO do that..] i decided to doodle the three statements i need to hear the most right now.

These are VERY important statements i think everyone should and needs to hear daily. So if you're not getting your daily dose of support or optimism, know that I'm out there, wishing these things for you!!!
I hope you're having a beautiful day you talented people you!    

Friday, May 27, 2011


Today while playing with my doodle i felt like copying my flowers over and over. It's cute. I'm still going to work on it...but i don't hate it. :) :)

It doesn't hurt that this is one of my FAVORITE sentiments.
Every. Bit. Counts.

I hope you are having a splendid Friday!
Jenipher :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Nightly Contemplations... are you an enemy?

Do you ever feel like two different people?
I do.

In general, i do feel our society dwells on the negative much more then the positive and it breaks my heart. I'm no different then anyone else.

In fact, if anything... i'm probably worse.

I'm very positive and optimistic for everyone else [most of the time]. But i'm so negative and hateful to myself, that there are days i honestly don’t even know how i get by.

It’s a constant battle, these two people inside me. One; the person i KNOW i really am, the person i want to be. The other; well, the other is the biggest “Debbie Downer” I can ever fathom. I am constantly and continually bewildered by how screwed up i am. And how my perception of myself is so skewed.

it's quite frustrating .... and more then that. it’s VERY VERY draining.

Do you ever feel this way about yourself? Are YOU, your own worst enemy at times?

My mom gave me a book to read while i was down visiting. It's helping her, which is a glorious thing. I'm reading it and find it INCREDIBLELY truthful and humorous. Maybe you will like it too. :)

Life is TOO beautiful. TOO precious. And WAY TO MUCH of a gift to consistently let it us down!! We all have to fight these negative demons away!!! It’s NOT easy, and infact VERY hard at times, but we WILL concur this.

I have faith in all of us!
I hope you do too.

Love, Smiles, Thanks, and Cookies to YOU beautiful lady!! [or gentleman!] ;)